Monday 13 April 2020

Low carbs/Keto Diet during lockdown aka MCO

Lockdown extended another 14 days😱😢 Running out of ideas what to cook and eat on low carbs/keto diet?
I am totally understand you. On a low carbs diet can be challenging to sustain especially on a moment like this where we are being restricted going out for groceries shopping/food and getting the keto/low carbs ingredients can be tough.
I am feel so blessed that I finally found a keto meal replacement that solved my problem. I don't have to worry about what to cook everyday. During MCO, I woke up quite late like 12 pm sometimes 🤣. By the minutes I woke up, I already hungry like mad. It is so hard for me to prepare a low carbs meal.
With LC base from Unicity Malaysia, I don't need to worry about preparing my low carbs meal everyday. Whenever I feel hungry and lazy to cook or even I need a quick on-the- go meal. All I need to do now is just take one pouches of LC base.
It makes low carbs/keto SO EASY!!!!
What I likes about this product:
💢it is a keto full meal replacement
💢Contains healthy fats from coconut oil (MCT oil - Medium Chain Triglycerides) which able to help you get into ketosis faster
💢5.5g of branched chain amino acids
💢macro: 27g Protein, 24g fat and 4g carbs
💢 Promotes a feeling of fullness and satiety.
It is very simple to use. Just mix one pouches of LC base mix with 360 ml of water or coconut milk. I like to sprinkle my chia seeds on top or it went well with Dalgona coffee as well. One cup of this keep me full for 4 to 5 hours. It also curb my appetite.
If you are sharing the same problem with me. Now it's time to stock up for this excellent keto meal replacement from USA. If you are interested, do pm me for details.


Monday 1 August 2016

Miracles Noodles (Zero-Calories Noodles) - Shirataki Noodles

1. What is Shirataki Noodles ?

Shirataki are thin, translucent, gelatinous traditional Japanese noodles made from the konjac yam (devil's tongue yam/elephant yam). 

Shirataki noodles were originally developed in Asia, but they have recently brought the attention of people from around the world. Because these noodles are almost totally a beneficial type of fiber, they have almost no "bad" carbohydrates. They not only will not cause blood sugar to rise, they may actually help control blood glucose. 

2. What is Shirataki noodles composed of ? 

It is largely composed of water & glucomannan, a water-soluble dietary fiber, they are very low in carbohydrates & calories, and have little flavour of their own. 

3. Benefits of Shirataki noodles: 

There is some evidence that glucomannan, when tested as a powdered supplement, can play a role in blood sugar control, as well as improve cholesterol control & enhance weight loss. It also contributes to our intake of soluble fiber & can be a substitute for starchy noodles.

4. Why don't Shirataki noodles contain any calories? 

Traditional Shirataki noodles are pretty much the perfect food for those who may have food allergies or are on special diets; they're vegan & gluten free. They naturally don't contain any calories because the glucomannon starch they're made of is an indigestible dietary fiber & also contains no carbohydrates

5. Where you can get Shirataki noodles in Malaysia ?
  • Jaya Grocer Empire Gallery 
  • Village Grocer 
  • De Market, Taman Desa 

Sunday 17 July 2016

Ketogenic Diet Plan

I believe often we saw some of our friends posted on the social media that they were on Atkins diet or LCHF diet. But most of the time you've no ideas what are these about. Let's talk about it in a details manner.

The Ketogenic Diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The goal of a Ketogenic Plan is to improve well-being through a metabolic charge in which the primary cellular fuel source switches from carbohydrates based fuels (glucose) to fat fuels & fat metabolism products called ketones.

This is achieved through a metabolic process called ketogenesis & a body state called ketosis. Ketosis is simply a normal metabolic pathway in which the body cells utilize ketones to make energy,  instead of relying on sugar or carbohydrate.

In fact, humans developed an evolutionary ability to burn ketones as an adaptation to periods of time when food was unavailable,

There are many ways of implementing a low carbohydrate, ketogenic diet plan but most involve following a higher fat, moderate protein, low carb food plan. (The Atkins diet is one of the most famous ketogenic diets, but certainly not the only one).

A Ketogenic Diet Plan requires tracking the carb amounts in the foods eaten & reducing carbohydrate intake to about 20-60 grams per day. For some people, less than 100 grams per day may work, but this level of carb intake is too high for most people to achieve ketosis.

In addition, the daily protein requirement should be driven by goal or ideal body weight or lean body mass. Protein intake also depends on height, gender & the amount of exercise done. Eating too much protein can interfere with ketosis. The balance of calories after calculating carbs & protein requirements will be from fats. These ratios ensure that most people go into ketosis & stay in that state. The state of ketosis has some beneficial so this is an important goal, especially for those people with health issues. The nutrients intake on a ketogenic diet typically works out to about 70-75% of calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, & 5-10% from carbohydrates on a daily basis when calories are not restricted.

The key to correctly implement a ketogenic diet plan is to remember that you are EXCHANGING CARBOHYDRATE containing foods with a HIGHER FAT INTAKE & a MODERATE PROTEIN CONSUMPTIONS.

Why high fat & moderate protein? Fats have little to no effect on blood sugar & insulin levels. Protein does affect both blood sugar & insulin. If you eat too much protein for your ideal body weight or lean muscle mass (usually more than 1.5-2.0 gram/kg lean body mass), it can spark gluconeogenesis & raise blood sugar & protein will also spike blood insulin levels temporarily. Higher insulin levels will interfere with ketone body production.

In addition, eating a diet that is heavy on lean protein (without enough fat) can make one sick with as condition know as "rabbit starvation" it can also wreck the metabolism in other ways.  

Sunday 5 June 2016

Eat Clean 瘦Easy (3): ABC藜麦粥


  • 大米粮食的最佳代替品
  • 高蛋白质、低热量、零胆固醇的“全能”食物
  • 营养价值独一无二:蛋白质含量超过谷类;必需脂肪的含量多过于水果
  • 富含维生素和矿物质,其中钙的含量是小麦的4倍,还有铁、维生素B以及维生素E
  • 富含丰富的Omega 3脂肪酸,有益心脏;胆固醇含量为0
  • 低热量,非常适合减肥!

  • 4汤匙的白米
  • 2汤匙的小小米
  • 猪肉糜-适量
  • 冬菇-切片
  • 蚝士
  • 番茄
  • 胡萝卜

通常我都会在前一晚准备好材料,放入Slow cooker中煮。这样方便又省时,明天一早就可以吃了。


 晚餐,我就多准备一片Grilled Chicken Chop及一些蔬菜。这样,食物比较多元化,你就不会一直想Craving for 其他的食物了。


Tuesday 31 May 2016



如果你真的很努力在"on diet" 而且运动了一段日子都还不见效的话,你可到验血中心检查一下你是否有内分泌(Endocrine)、荷尔蒙(Hormonal) 或者是新陈代谢(Metabolic)的问题。一起来看看到底是什么因素导致肥胖:


  • 减肥永恒的原理:吃得比你需要的少/消耗得比你摄取的多
  • 如果你要减肥成功,你一定要享受你吃的餐单,而且一定要营养均衡。网路上有太多的“7天瘦5公斤”或是“30天瘦10公斤”的餐单。但那只是一个短期的Eating Plan, 一旦你恢复原来的餐单,往往你会rebound(反弹)至之前的双倍。 {注:这就是Yo-yo effect;过后会在下一篇讲解}
  • 记得"减肥”不是在折磨你,让你不能吃好吃的东西。减肥是一种生活态度,一种让你变得更健康、更自信的生活态度。
  • 一个健康的减肥过程是可让一位时常爱吃垃圾食物的人,变得吃得清单健康;而不是节食不吃食物。你必须从这过程中吸取食物营养及卡路里的基本知识。 
  • 一个健康的减肥过程是可让一位时常吃饱就坐着不动的人/懒惰运动的人,变得热爱运动及积极地增加你日常的活动量。
  • 没有人一生下来就注定肥胖的。很少人会得到遗传的肥胖因子,但大部分的胖子是遗传了家人的致胖饮食及生活习惯。

2, 运动及活动量

  • 大部分我们从食物中摄取的能量都回用于身体的一般的操作。 而每个人每天所需的量能(卡路里)也因人而异。建筑工人需要3500卡;而Office Lady只需2000卡。
  • 我们摄取的能量中的两份之三(2/3)会用于身体的一般操作,提供能量给重要的器官如心脏、肺部、脑部、肝脏、肾脏及消化系统等等。
  • 所以,其余的1/3的能量就得看你有没有运动了。如果你吃很多,又没运动那你的身上就会长肉咯~~

3。基础代谢率(Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR) 

  • BMR 是指身体在没有活动的状态下,处于消化状态(肠胃充满食物,分解作用大于合成作用),维持生命所需消耗的最低能量。
  • 这些能量主要用于保持各器官的机能,如呼吸(肺)、心跳(心脏)、腺体分泌(脑及其他神经系统)、过滤排泄(肾脏)、解毒(肝脏)、肌肉活动等等。
  • 基础代谢率会随着年龄增加或体重减轻而降低,而随着肌肉增加而增加。疾病、进食、环境温度变化、承受压力水平变化都会改变人体的能量消耗,从而影响基础代谢率。
  • 有一些吃很多却不会胖的人,就是因为他们的BMR比你高咯,但不用怕,运动有助提高BMR噢。

Monday 23 May 2016

Eat Clean "瘦“Easy (2) :

晚餐时间又到了。想不到要吃什么?Eat Clean 也可以很丰富。今天和大家分享我的Clean Dinner,减肥不用饿肚子,健康、耐饱、好吃又可以省钱$$$$。哈哈哈,是不是很棒叻~~~




  •  绞鱼肉 (鱼肉含有丰富蛋白质,卡路里低又耐饱)
  • 羊角豆
  • 将酿好鱼肉的羊角豆,放在爆香的蒜米中煎至熟透即可。可撒上酱清作调味。

-黄酒(3 汤匙)




Saturday 21 May 2016

减肥知识:Atkins Diet {阿金减肥法}

要减肥一定要选择对的方法正确的饮食习惯坚定的态度。只要你能够持续性的做到以上三点,其实减肥并不是想象中的困难。但是很多往往想要有“Instant Result" , 就选择一些快速的减肥,不但不能瘦身,反而还会影响你的健康哦。

今天和大家分享Atkins Diet Plan , 即阿特金斯健康饮食法,简称:阿金减肥法。一般是指食肉减肥法低碳减肥法或是高蛋白减肥法。这一种减肥在西方国家比较流行。


  • 要求完全不吃碳水化合物,而可以吃高蛋白的食品,即不吃任何淀粉类、高糖分的食品,而多吃肉类、鱼

  • 控制碳水化合物的摄入量,从而将人体从消耗碳水化合物的代谢转化成以消耗脂肪为主的代谢模式。

  • 没有任何的研究足以验证阿特金斯健康饮食法的科学性及安全性。事实上,目前相关的研究导出不同的结论,有些认为这种饮食法可以降低低密度脂蛋白(LDL),但会提高高密度脂蛋白(HDL),认为可以因此降低心血管疾病的发生。但有些研究认为可能导致诱发心血管疾病,冠心病,心律失常,骨质疏松,肾结石。

  • 根据目前华人普遍饮食规律,无法长期坚持不吃碳水化合物。并且由于多吃高蛋白质食物会增加肾的负担,所以该方法并不适合有肾脏病的人使用(多数国家的肾脏疾病患病率超过10%,而且许多轻微的肾脏疾病患者并不自知) 。

So Easy Weight Management 马来西亚瘦身部落格