Sunday, 6 March 2016

Five Cool Pool Moves

    Even if all you can lay claim to is a corner of a shallow end of a pool, you can still do a mini workout. Since water offers resistance whether you’re lifting or lowering a limb, each exercise works more muscles than the same one would on land. 

      For optimum results, make each move as large as you can and concentrate hard on technique.Start by doing each exercise 8 to 12 times, once you’ve perfected form, aim for 20 repetitions or more.You can use these moves simply as muscle-toning calisthenics, but running through the entire sequence without stopping will also pack on aerobic punch.Wear bathing shoes or canvas shoes to absorb impact and to protect your feet from rough surfaces. 
     a)   Cross- Country Ski (Whole Body)
Ø  Plant your feet firmly on the bottom of the pool and straddle your legs so the right leg is out in front and the left behind.
Ø  Extend your left arm up and forward and your right arm down and back.
Ø  Jump up and switch arm and leg positions.
Ø  Take care to keep your back straight, abdominals contracted and knees slightly bent.

a            b)      Leg Swing (Thighs and Buttocks)
Ø  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms out to the side just below the surface of the water for balance.
Ø  Point your left toe and bend your left knee up to your chest: then forcefully straighten it behind you.
Ø  Be careful not to over-arch your lower back.
Ø  Do all repetitions with the left leg, then switch to the other leg. 

          c)   Crossover (Inner & outer Thighs & Hips)
Ø  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms out to the side just below the surface of the water, palms up.
Ø  Jump up and cross your legs at the ankles: jump back out and continue making sure to alternate which leg is in front to benefit from some upper-body work. 
a      d)   Push-Ups ( Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back)
Ø  Stand close to the pool wall and hold on with both hands.
Ø  Jump up and nearly straighten your arms so that you propel yourself straight up, partially out of the water. Gently lower. 

     e)    Crunches (Abdominals)
Ø  Facing away from the pool wall, extend arms behind and hold onto edge with both hands.
Ø  Jump up, lift both knees towards the chest, and extend the legs out in front as straight as you can.
Ø  Draw knees back to the chest and then return to start.
Ø  If this is too challenging or you cannot hang on to anything, try one knee at a time 

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