Monday, 28 March 2016


话说半年前,我开始减肥。短短的六个月里,单靠控制热量及运动就轻松地瘦了12公斤。其实的原则真的很简单, 就是少吃多运动。但是,少吃对很多人来说是很难做到的。吃货如我,也深同感受。不吃当然不行,减肥一定要吃,而且要少量多餐,选择有机食物,是一个很好的选择。

午餐时的咖哩面、鸡饭、炒粿条,这些都是很高热量的食物,会破坏你的减肥计划。所以有些人看了网上的一些减肥餐单后,就每天午餐只吃一粒苹果,又或者skip掉晚餐。其实,这是不正确的。因为,节食会让你的新陈代谢变慢,而且当你吃回以前的量时就会“rebound”比以前更重,我们称之为“Yo-yo Effect"。

自从减肥后,我午餐就很少吃Food court的食物,因为热量很高。所以我选择吃一些,健康、热量低又耐胞的食物。有机食物是个不错的选择。

这碟杂菜饭,附送西洋菜汤RM8.50。我觉得健康又美味。大概400kcal 左右,吃得胞,又可以减肥,这就是Eat Smart!

有时想要吃得Heavy一点,就可以来的Nasi Lemak。 椰浆饭以造米的代替,健康多了。 



Simply Organic Mart & Cafe 
Add:29, Jalan Desa, Taman Desa, 
           58100 Kuala Lumpur. 
Tel: 03-79843557
Business Hour: 10.00am-9.00pm

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

甲洞廉价健身房 Enrich Fitness Kepong

说实在的,现在的年轻人真的是越来越注重外型及体态。无论男女,每天都在facebook 或是Instagram分享如何练得一身的肌肉、人鱼线甚至是马甲线!

但在还没练得一身好身材之前,大家一定会熬脑要怎么才能达到自己的目标。第一部,当然是选择一个适合自己的运动咯。对于想减肥的人,最好就是做Cardio运动,有助消耗卡路里。跑步会是一个不错的选择。而对于一些像build up muscle的朋友,参加GYM应该就是你们的首选了。


不用愁,今天为大家介绍这家位于甲洞Per Entrance的健身房。你可选择签他们的会员配套,又或者选择per entrance(一次性)的入场付费。他们的一次性入场付费也只是RM 5 而已,学生更可以以学生价RM 3 入场,真的是低到烂啊!!!!

他们的器材不会输给“C”字号的GYM哦,还有ZUMBA class. 会员可免费参加ZUMBA class,如果不是会员的话,一次是RM15。



地址:Enrich Fitness 
            Jalan Metro Prima, Kepong. (Jusco 后面)
Working Hour:8am - 12 Midnight 
Tel: 011-3333 3139 /011-3333 3115

Friday, 11 March 2016

Tips to build activity into your day!

Nine easy ways to raise your physical activity levels and burn more calories. 

1. Walk more 

Walking is one of the easiest and most effective ways of increasing your activity. Find a walking pal or join a walking group.

2. Take the stairs 

Walk up and down stairs and escalators instead of taking the lift, or get off the lift a few floors early and use the stairs.

3. Take up running

Our popular Couch to 5K running plan is designed to get just about anyone running 5km in nine weeks.

4. Exercise in your local park

5. Active Travel

Cycle or walk part, if not all, of your journey to work. Get off public transport a stop before your destination and walk the rest of the way.

6. Ditch the car

If you need to drive to work, try to park further away from your destination and walk the rest of the way.

7. Exercise at work

Exercise before or after work or during your lunch break. Your workplace may have a gym or you may have access to a swimming pool or squash courts.

8. Family fun

Be active with the family. Take your children to the swimming pool or play in the garden or park.

9. Green finger

Gardening can provide a good workout. You could also add a social element by getting an allotment.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Five Cool Pool Moves

    Even if all you can lay claim to is a corner of a shallow end of a pool, you can still do a mini workout. Since water offers resistance whether you’re lifting or lowering a limb, each exercise works more muscles than the same one would on land. 

      For optimum results, make each move as large as you can and concentrate hard on technique.Start by doing each exercise 8 to 12 times, once you’ve perfected form, aim for 20 repetitions or more.You can use these moves simply as muscle-toning calisthenics, but running through the entire sequence without stopping will also pack on aerobic punch.Wear bathing shoes or canvas shoes to absorb impact and to protect your feet from rough surfaces. 
     a)   Cross- Country Ski (Whole Body)
Ø  Plant your feet firmly on the bottom of the pool and straddle your legs so the right leg is out in front and the left behind.
Ø  Extend your left arm up and forward and your right arm down and back.
Ø  Jump up and switch arm and leg positions.
Ø  Take care to keep your back straight, abdominals contracted and knees slightly bent.

a            b)      Leg Swing (Thighs and Buttocks)
Ø  Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Extend arms out to the side just below the surface of the water for balance.
Ø  Point your left toe and bend your left knee up to your chest: then forcefully straighten it behind you.
Ø  Be careful not to over-arch your lower back.
Ø  Do all repetitions with the left leg, then switch to the other leg. 

          c)   Crossover (Inner & outer Thighs & Hips)
Ø  Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms out to the side just below the surface of the water, palms up.
Ø  Jump up and cross your legs at the ankles: jump back out and continue making sure to alternate which leg is in front to benefit from some upper-body work. 
a      d)   Push-Ups ( Chest, Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back)
Ø  Stand close to the pool wall and hold on with both hands.
Ø  Jump up and nearly straighten your arms so that you propel yourself straight up, partially out of the water. Gently lower. 

     e)    Crunches (Abdominals)
Ø  Facing away from the pool wall, extend arms behind and hold onto edge with both hands.
Ø  Jump up, lift both knees towards the chest, and extend the legs out in front as straight as you can.
Ø  Draw knees back to the chest and then return to start.
Ø  If this is too challenging or you cannot hang on to anything, try one knee at a time